I think a couple of months can get you to play a few songs already. During the first lesson with me, there is already a song the student will play. We’ll touch on technique, on position, on getting to know the keyboard as well as getting to know each other as student/teacher. I want to earn the trust and the respect of my pupils. That’s the best way, I think, to get heard on both sides.
I like the first lesson, the person is discovering something they’ve been interested in studying sometimes for years. Finally, they took the decision to try, they looked for a teacher and end up in my studio. I want their first lesson to feel like a reward, like a fun and interesting time and a pleasant discovery of an instrument.
Is piano difficult? Yes! Everything human have studied, which is everything, has been pushed to levels of complexities that are impossible to fathom. Piano is no exception. That said, you don’t have to go into the mind boggling elements of it right away. If you have a good teacher (I know an excellent one!), you’ll have a fantastic journey. Little by little, layer by layer, you’ll dig deeper and deeper into the very fabric of the instrument. And you’ll play! You’ll play what you want to play, be it Classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Boogie Woogie or Disney songs.
I love having new students and seeing their face light up as they realize the beauty of the craft, how they interact with it, how they manage it.
How long does it take to learn the piano? The usual answer is “it depends”. My answer, the one I’ve seen in action time and time again is this: not long at all if you’re having fun.