I’ll give you a trick to find new music. Go to this website: https://www.louisianamusicfactory.com/
Usually I type in the search engine “New Orleans bands” and I’m off to the races. Let’s see. One to appear is Walter “Wolfman” Washington. Let’s check it out. The album is called “Feel so at home”. I hope I’m going to find that on Tidal (or Spotify if you’re the captain of that boat). And Here it is! Press play… The music is smooth, the production is very well crafted, the voice is one of a crooner, tempo and atmosphere is mellow. This will be perfect for an evening with the family with beautiful music that’s not aggressive. Man, that’s smooth.
Let’s dig some more and try… Kelly Hunt. The album proposed is Ozark Symphony. And… it is listed in Tidal. Very well, I am now listening to her. This is what I called the haunting music of America. It just gets to you. A little banjo, a whispering singer a lot of space and you are now exploring the ruins and splendors of a ghost town.
I’ve discovered so many great artist on that website. I think I already talked about Jon Roniger. I love his style. I would add Alex McMurray to the roster. His albums always start with sound effect to set the mood. I got to appreciate Banjaxed and How to be a cannonball yesterday evening. He’s also someone coming from the empty spaces. Good lyrics. Always bluesy, always soothing.
By the way, I do listen to the music on Tidal and if I like it, I buy the CD. I think I told you somewhere that I like CD’s. Somewhat it doesn’t sound the same from streaming to CD. I prefer CD’s. My castle, my rule.
As for discovering new music, I know there is a ton of suggestions on Spotify and Tidal and sometimes I follow these. But it always takes me some place where I don’t want to go like starting with a sweet samba and ending up in Heavy metal. I like both, for sure, but sometimes I also want something a bit more targeted. That’s where the Louisiana Music Factory comes in.
Happy listening everyone!