I used to watch the Oscars every year. I looked forward to the beginning with the singing, the dancing, the jokes. I thought it was the best entertainment in the world. Besides, it was an opportunity to see the Elizabeth Taylor of our planet walk among the mere mortals. At the time, it seemed like the only job worth doing was to be in the movie industry.
Then, as Seinfeld portrayed brilliantly, came “The English patient”. Do you remember that movie. I certainly don’t. I watched it because it won the statue for best movie in whenever. I didn’t think it was my taste.
Fast forward a few years, the Oscars ceremony diminishes in prestige and television viewers. Slowly but surely, the audience deserts the event, including little old me. I vaguely keep an eye on it. I remember Gerard Depardieu losing the Oscar for best actor because the word “assister” in French means being the witness of and in English “to assist” means, well, you speak English, you know what it means (That was way before the controversy surrounding Depardieu).
A bit more time and we come to Deadpool. The first one. Boy, did I think it was innovative, irreverent, audacious and funny. I loved it. I was sure it would make a mark and get at least a few nominations. It didn’t get nothing. That was a serious blow. I stopped watching the Oscars.
Then last year, something pretty serious happen during the ceremony. I don’t want to talk about it. It wasn’t a good moment for the Oscars.
Anyway, my Oscar radar beeps less and less loud as the years go by. I am less an less interested in sitting in front of the tube with a list of possible winners in mind. I have pretty much given up on the whole event. What do I do instead: I read a book, I practice. It feels as glamourous to me.