I probably did it as a father. I would put some CD on (it was the time of CD’s back then) while my two young children were quietly playing in their bedroom. Probably Mozart, probably something syrupy. Guilty as charged.
The music was pleasant enough, for sure, just not very educational. What I certainly didn’t factor in was my own limitation. You see, I cannot, for the life of me, study anything while there is music in the background. I can’t even read: the sentences get all jumbled up. It’s pathetic. And if I trust that some of my genes went into my offspring, chances are, they can’t have their brain function on anything but music when it is playing in their environment.
I see my Sweetie, I envy her. Heavy metal and the trumpets of the Apocalypse will not distract her from the story line of a good book. She might even bob her head while she’s at it. It’s very impressive. She can do that in a car, too. I would drive a thousand miles into the sunset and she would quietly go through a book while the radio is playing.
If I remember correctly, I think my sister was able to study with music on. I wouldn’t bet my head on it, but I’m pretty sure.
Some people are able to, some are not. I am in the “are not” pile. Must be a minor flaw though, cause I still had a pretty good life.

One response to “Studying with music.”
Same! I love a quiet ride. This way my left foot isn’t stomping out high hat patterns with perfect accuracy involuntarily. (Thanks Sol)