So you’ve decided to take some piano or drum lessons. You’ve got the instrument, the teacher and you’ve bee practicing regularly. But then, something comes to disturb the picture and you have to stop because life is what’s happening when you’re making other plans (John Lennon). So your time on the keys shrink then disappear then you realize that your motivation is gone and you have to quit. Oh, boy.
Oh, I know that stopping is always just temporary, it’s never forever. But the weeks, months and years pass and that keyboard is accumulating dust and ends up in the back of a garage sale with old DVDs and some discarded linen. Too bad!
This blog is about protecting your passion for music because, trust me, it needs to be protected. We are all at risk of stopping, including yours truly, even if I make a living at it. Protecting music in the life of people who have decided to study it is important because it is a truly precious thing for them. They cherish it and interact with it on a very personal level. If that goes away they’ve lost a part of themselves.
So, how do you do it? How do you preserve music in your daily routine. Well, first off, you need to keep the determination alive. That one is the fun part. That’s when you listen to some music and love the songs you’re hearing. That’s when you go to a concert and enjoy the band. That’s when you play music with others and decide to go for a cover song or create an original one. That’s when you read a book about a famous musician. That’s when you start collecting weird stuff like CDs, Vinyl Discs or radio stations from around the world. That’s when you listen to any music with intent, recognizing and following your instrument in the mix. Keeping the determination amounts to keeping the enthusiasm, the joy of music in your heart. It’ll be the engine that drives the whole machine. Without it your passion withers and perish.
In Part 2, I’ll reveal more ways to protect music in your life.