I’ll give you my answer right away: I don’t know the “perfect age” to start learning an instrument.
I’ve seen people starting to play piano or drums as an adult hobby in their thirties or even later and ending up as dedicated musicians or even professionals. And it wasn’t luck—it was a lot of hard work, dedication, grit, and courage that brought them to their end goal.
You might deduce that their talent was absolutely overwhelming, that they had it in them all along, that their success was inevitable. Again, you’d be wrong. They had some potential, yes, but nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, some of the most naturally gifted students I’ve ever taught have stopped at the first difficulty they encountered. Go figure!
I believe the most valuable trait a person can have, at any age, is endurance. Are you able to repeat a pattern for 5 hours? Good, you might be able to play someday. But can you repeat the same pattern for 50 hours? Well, now we got someone who’s not leaving much to chance, don’t we? Do you see what I’m saying?
The same applies to kids in beginner music lessons. A young child can shine at any age, with the right approach and support. Personally, I choose to start with children aged 4 and up, as I believe they’re at a good developmental stage to begin learning. But that doesn’t mean a 10-year-old or even a 16-year-old can’t reach incredible levels, whether that’s a lifelong passion, playing at Carnegie hall, or even a career.
What I focus on in my teaching is the relationship each student builds with music. I want to pass on the same feelings I experience with my own instrument: joy, excitement, a passion for detail, and the ability to communicate through music. Whether it’s adults picking up an instrument as a fulfilling hobby or childhood dream or children starting their first beginner music lessons; it is the joy and dedication that I hope they carry with them. That alone, for me, is reason enough to want to play. If you want to take that joy to the highest levels or make a living at it then all you need is resourcefulness and tenacity. That’s the key for any musician, regardless of age. Not the age itself.