Tomorrow is Friday June 10th 2021. It might sound like any other day. It might sound like February 3rd or October 17th. But tomorrow is a milestone for the city of Chicago. Something is about to happen that will bring new force and new energy to the businesses. It will put people in a better and more hopeful mood. Tomorrow will be a grand day to be alive, a grand day to enjoy the warm weather of the summer who’s already here. I’ve been longing for tomorrow like no other day in my life because for almost 2 years Chicago has been dormant. Do you remember when the streets were silent? When the restaurants were closed? When people had to stay at home days and nights? Do you remember all these lay-offs? Do you remember the Theatres, the concert venues, the comedy clubs shut down?
I made you wait long enough, plus, by now I think you guessed it: tomorrow, Friday June 10th 2021, all restrictions concerning COVID-19 will be lifted in the City of Chicago. We are free again. We still have to wear the mask in many places, but we are free again.