There is a dead season for musicians. It is fast approaching now. We are about 5 days away from it, as a matter of fact.
Because right after New Year’s eve, that is it! The gigs will be few and far between. For a month or two, you have to close shop. Or, if you happen to be out of job, you have to start all over again the audition process. And, while I’m at it, I can give you this tip: all the good gigs of the upcoming summer will audition right after New Year’s Eve hangover.
Right. Let’s go back to the last gig!
Well, it is on New Year Eve and it will probably involve drunk people and very late night. But it is also, traditionally, one of the best paid gig of the year. If you don’t ask premium money to get on stage that evening, you are not only getting had, you are also breaking the market for every body else. Besides, I can assure you that someone is making money off of your back. One room full of drunk and loud people means thousands of dollars spent on the party. Every person retching counts double. Isn’t that great!
So, toast one last (small) glass of Champagne and pack your gear, my friend. We’re about to send this Godforsaken year into the stratosphere. I hope you got some supply for the long winter coming.