Author: mydrumlessons

  • Risky Opera

    I’ve been reading a biography of Mozart lately and I discovered a lot of interesting facts. For example, Mozart sometimes didn’t write some piano parts for his concertos and would improvise them “on the fly” during the performance. For people who are in the know, I am talking about the cadenza, which is the moment…

  • The gift of speed

    I am a fan of Top Gear, the version that had Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May as their presenters. I thought it was very entertaining. I remember the many episodes where Clarkson tries to solves all of his motoring problems with speed. “Speeeeed!” he would yell while holding on to the steering wheel…

  • How to grab them

    I’ve been teaching for 33 years now and I’ve seen all sorts. I am talking about how people hold a pair of drum sticks. Now, I need to write a little disclaimer: the wide majority of folks hold them correctly, meaning naturally. But there are some notable exceptions. One of the most common one is…

  • Life changing

    Ever since I’ve been listening to music on a regular basis, my life has changed. Every day, when the house goes quiet in the evening, I put on some music when the house. Hearing the depth of the craftmanship has moved me. Yes, to tears, sometimes, but more importantly, it has also made me play…

  • Quality test

    I have done a blog earlier in the year about this pair of headphones:   It is so precise that I thought I would have a great reference to clear up something I’ve been wondering about for a long time. I want to know which one is the best to listen to: the lossless file…

  • My teaching method.

    Learning an instrument can take many forms. You can go get some books and go through the curriculum propose through the content. You can watch videos and be amazed at the mastery displayed. You can subscribe to a service and patiently wait a week for your next step. You can do all of that, and…

  • Finally!

    Tomorrow is Friday June 10th 2021. It might sound like any other day. It might sound like February 3rd or October 17th. But tomorrow is a milestone for the city of Chicago. Something is about to happen that will bring new force and new energy to the businesses. It will put people in a better…

  • Blending

    Ever since I’ve started to listen to music on high fidelity equipment, I’ve experienced something transformative. But, hold the press! before I get there, I need to tell you how I used to approach playing in a band. It went like this: look at me! Whatever song, whatever tempo, whatever mood, my goal was to…

  • White noise

    I just came back from vacation. We were about an hour and a half away from Grand Rapid, MI. Our little haven was closed to a small lake big enough for a row boat and a lot of fun. The location is the famous “out there”, where the tarmacadam is replaced by dirt roads, where…

  • Weird lessons of COVID-19: Pointing

    Once we were in the thick of the pandemic, I had to rearrange my studio. I had to be able to deliver comfortably as good of a virtual lesson as I possibly could. I discovered many things I could do for that. For example, I put my webcam on my computer screen. Not very original,…