Author: mydrumlessons

  • Coronavirus: What’s to keep.

    On every TV channel we get the counter for cases or for worse. The economy is tanking. A lot of business disappear or shrink, a lot of people lose their job.  Looking out the window, the streets are same as make no difference empty. If you talk to anyone on the phone or on an…

  • Coronavirus help

    Hello everyone, I will compile in this blog some information to try to ease the pain of this situation.   If you get laid off in the State of Illinois or if you get a reduced pay check, this website could be precious:   It is updated everyday with new information on how…

  • Coronavirus: Life is beautiful

    After mankind has been messing with nature for a very long time, nature has decided to get back at us. In the markets where you can buy a live bat from Asia, a snake from Africa and a fox from Indonesia, germs gets mixed up to form monstrosities like the coronavirus. The disease gets passed…

  • Being intelligent

    My stepfather was a fisherman. He was someone with a strong sense of ethic. He rarely made a mistake with his family whether we are talking about his parents or us, my mum, my sister and I, his adopted family. To this day, I live by his philosophy. For example, one day he explained the…

  • Keep climbing

    You are living your life in peace among your colleagues and friends and all is well. Then, out of nowhere, comes this song you recognize from your childhood, something that really moved you inside. And, to your surprise, it still stirs up deep feelings. As always your attention focuses on the beautiful piano part that…

  • Neil Peart Trivia

    Neil Peart leaves behind a legacy of 19 albums with Rush. His genius on the drum set is present at every bar, every beat, every fill. Both his sense of composition and his technique were flawless. And some say that is his contribution to the drumming world. Yes! But there is an important side note…

  • A dirty subject: Being responsible. Part 3

    This blog is about being responsible. In the previous part, I have taken a fictional character named Dillinger and put him in a bad situation. (For more, read Part 1 and 2. It’s good, it’s great, the trip is worth it!) Dillinger was coming to Chicago with stars in his eyes. Then things turned sour.…

  • A dirty subject: Being responsible. part 2

      Now let’s stop messing around and go into the heart of it. Here’s a situation I hear about all the time: The person, let’s call him Dillinger, comes to Chicago. He wants to be a pro musician. Only he has no money and Chicago can be an expensive town. So, what to do? First…

  • A dirty subject: Being responsible. part 1

    Dirty subject, being responsible. Even bloody. That’s one I’ve been putting off for a long time. That area of being a pro musician is full of traps, of half truths, of misconceptions, of nerves and anger.  This is not tender meat. This is a rock concealed in a thick crust of slimy mud. Oh, well,…

  • Big news: Cooking can save musicians! 2

    So far we have determined that, on this cold Chicago winter, we are broke. But life is still worth living and we need to spend more time practicing our instruments. We have also determined in one swift move that cooking is the answer to this particular situation. Cooking cheap that is. Onward to a few…