Author: mydrumlessons

  • Fixing some dynamic problem in piano.

    You get both type of piano players if you have a full schedule of students: the shy ones who play too soft or the Beethovenian ones who will bring the piano to its knees. Both are equally stuck in a dynamic range. One being soft or, as we say in music, Piano (yes, like the…

  • Resolutions.

    I know we are not at that time of the year, the time when we take on big projects to fulfill big wishes. I am talking about New year’s eve, of course. That’s when the gyms around town fill up their calendars, when the sales of sugar plummets, when you see determined faces in your…

  • The new student.

    I am always very excited to meet a new student. They always come with a spark in their eyes because they’re interested, curious, hungry for knowledge. Every time I am reminded that I have the best job in the world: sharing with someone my passion for music. I tell them to sit at the piano…

  • The musician’s plague

    Musicians are often seen as people who are desperate for a job. We can all think of exception to the rule, of course, like the Elton John or Bruce Springsteen of our world, but in general, and especially if you’re at a lower level of pay and fame, the common agreement is that a musician…

  • The wild side of music.

    What is cool in music today? What is rebellious? What shocks people and make them frown? Is it Hip-Hop? Taylor Swift? Beyoncé? Being a musician making a living can sometimes be attached to the Wow factor in the way you dress, or the behavior attached to your style of music. When Hip-Hop came on the…

  • Being overwhelmed when you are self-employed.

    I have been creating my own income for three and a half decade now. I told in a blog I wrote not too long ago what my typical day is like which, in one word, is: busy. After each day, in the evening, I add up everything I did and I often think that I…

  • Technology in music.

    There’s a big debate that’s all the rage these days, did you know? It goes something like this: is music better because of technology or not? Someone was telling me about a band who was playing original songs. The problem was that they had 20 different parts. One section was a forceful metal beat, followed…

  • Packing light.

    I came to this country in 1991. I had 2 suitcases, two large ones. And that’s it. Actually, no, that’s not quite “it”. I also had my drum set with me, which is a big Madonna, we’re counting about 7 packages here. The lightest would be around 14 pounds, that’s the hi toms in his…

  • A royal waste of time.

    I’ve been hacked. This very account, the one I use to write my blogs on has been taken over by, of all people, Russians. How do I know? Because I do not understand the Cyrillic alphabet, and it was all over the dashboard of my site. I am not accusing the Russians of being particularly…

  • Anticipating versus coping.

    When you’re a musician, all to often, you’re self-employed. And, contrary to the common belief, if you are a musician who wants to stay in business, you need to get busy in order to be busy. This is the subject of this blog: where to spend your energy. I discovered very early on in my…