Tag: Chicago drum instruction

  • Developing a singing tone. Part 2.

    In part one I divulge the two categories of instruments we find in music: the one that breathe and the ones that don’t. Let’s talk about singing, since this is the title of the blog. In a melody, you get some high and some lows. The notes ascend or descend as the music plays. Let’s…

  • Developing a singing tone. Part 1.

    This one is both serious and funny. In the family of instruments you get the percussion, the woodwind, the singers, the strings and the piano (more on that one later). Among all of these you get two categories: the one that breathe and the ones that do not. A trumpet player cannot sustain an infinite…

  • My roots. Part 1

    When I was young we didn’t have money. We used to burn the furniture in the winter to heat up our place. No central heat, no telephone, no shower. We took a shower at a friend’s place, once a week, we paid 10 francs the shower. It was great. We would hang out with the…

  • A regret perhaps.

    It was very difficult for me to come to the U.S. I loved my country, my family, the French language (at the time I didn’t know any other). I loved the culture, the old stones, the old books. It was truly excruciating to go into an unknown world. I didn’t know how to say “bread”…

  • That town. Part 2

    I came to America to study the drums. I went to Berklee College of Music, in Boston. I studied my butt off. I was chained to my kit 10 to 15 hours a day. I did what everybody did, which is to learn the vocabulary, the very tools necessary to play in bands and, eventually,…

  • That town

    When I was growing up in France, some music were better rated than others. On top of that, no matter what, you had Classical Music. That was not only revered, but the official music promoted and taught by all the Conservatories of the land. I went to one of them. I studied with someone who…

  • Tommy Dorsey

    There used to be a tradition in this country. For graduation, a Big Band would play. The best one, the most famous was the Tommy Dorsey Big band. Anyone remembers that? Also, there was those big rings people would wear. You would exchange them with your Sweetheart. I don’t see anyone wearing them anymore. Have…

  • What you want

    You never know, really. People come in your studio, they all have different background. You get all sorts. I try to be welcoming because I understand that most of my job is to get in touch with the student. That’s my best bet to make sure we can communicate. My only weapon to beat video…

  • The Oscars

    I used to watch the Oscars every year. I looked forward to the beginning with the singing, the dancing, the jokes. I thought it was the best entertainment in the world. Besides, it was an opportunity to see the Elizabeth Taylor of our planet walk among the mere mortals. At the time, it seemed like…

  • The habit

    I am not sure who this post is written for. I’ve been in both categories of people at different times of my life. When you start an instrument, you won’t experience those symptoms because they take quite awhile to set in. It’s only after a few months, maybe even a few years of every day…