Tag: Chicago piano instructor
Recommended activities
If you’ve been following the news, you know that the music industry is on hold. No concerts. No studio sessions. No albums being produced. No shows on Broadway or anywhere else. And, insofar as we know, the summer has been cancelled. No festivals, no weddings, no form of live entertainment. I could go into how…
How many voices on the drums?
Three! The question is how many voices on the drums? Let’s count them: Bass drum 1, snare drum 2, hi hat 3. Three. In rock’n roll, that’s it. It’s always three. Wow, that one was easy. Not quite. Let’s suppose you move your right hand (if you are right handed) to the ride cymbal and…
How long does it take to learn the piano?
This question can seem naive but it needs to be taken seriously. On the internet it is the most asked question about the piano. Or about the drums. Or about any instrument. People want to know how long it takes before they can play. The answer is not easy for two simple reasons: 1: what…
What is the difference between teaching in person and teaching online? A few. First and foremost, technology has to work. If your connection isn’t good, you waste time, time for which you are paid for, go get a new modem. Second is what you see. A lot of students use laptops or phones. They try…
Coronavirus: Surviving
Here are a few more information that might be helpful. Be safe out there. ILLINOIS RESOURCES MUSICIAN-SPECIFIC RESOURCES (State-by-state guide): Billboard Magazine: https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/9337908/coronavirus-resource-guide-music-professionals-help Teaching Artists Guild – Resources for Covid-19: https://teachingartistsguild.org/covid-19-resources/ INCOME / HOME / FOOD Unemployment benefits application & FAQs: https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/default.aspx Emergency Rental Assistance: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/fss/provdrs/serv/svcs/how_to_find_rentalassistanceinchicago.html Temporary…
Coronavirus: the good
Gas is affordable. Bills are extended. Kids are at home with their families. Parents are home taking care of their children. Fast food is replaced by home cooked meals. Hectic schedules are replaced by naps. The air seems cleaner. Wild animals are visiting our cities. The world seems quieter. Crime is down. People are conscious…
Coronavirus: What’s to keep.
On every TV channel we get the counter for cases or for worse. The economy is tanking. A lot of business disappear or shrink, a lot of people lose their job. Looking out the window, the streets are same as make no difference empty. If you talk to anyone on the phone or on an…
Coronavirus help
Hello everyone, I will compile in this blog some information to try to ease the pain of this situation. If you get laid off in the State of Illinois or if you get a reduced pay check, this website could be precious: https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/default.aspx It is updated everyday with new information on how…
Coronavirus: Life is beautiful
After mankind has been messing with nature for a very long time, nature has decided to get back at us. In the markets where you can buy a live bat from Asia, a snake from Africa and a fox from Indonesia, germs gets mixed up to form monstrosities like the coronavirus. The disease gets passed…
Being intelligent
My stepfather was a fisherman. He was someone with a strong sense of ethic. He rarely made a mistake with his family whether we are talking about his parents or us, my mum, my sister and I, his adopted family. To this day, I live by his philosophy. For example, one day he explained the…