Tag: Drum lessons

  • Five ways to Make Practice Fun for Young Musicians

    Young musicians are a lot of fun to teach. They come to music with an open heart. They dive into the experience with everything they’ve got. Oh, we’re going to study music, you say! Great, I’ll bang on them drums, I’ll tickle them keys! The fun will never stop! The problem is how do you…

  • Why everyone should have a creative outlet.

    There are many reasons why everyone should have a creative outlet during the school year, including: 

  • Introducing children to new experiences like music lessons can build confidence and curiosity.

    If one develops the brain with a tool as powerful as music, the benefit can be enormous for the individual. Yes, the child will become more able to focus, to calculate and to plan, but she/he will also assert her/himself because she/he will acquire a skill that not every one has, enhancing the confidence. The…

  • The Importance of Balancing Academics and Creative Activities for Kids.

    That’s it, look at the date! Mid September! We are officially in “back to school ” mode. All kids are either meeting new friends or reuniting with the ones of the previous year. All the classrooms are full of students being distracted by the beautiful sun right outside the windows. They’re missing the long and…

  • The benefit of art.

    Did You Know?Young people who participate in the arts for at least three hours on three days each week through at least one full year are: Young artists, as compared with their peers, are likely to: The facts are that arts education… Businesses understand that arts education…

  • Benefits of learning drums for children.

    Learning to play the drums can have many benefits for children, including:

  • All is good, and yet. Part 3.

    In my last post I was about to do a big reveal on how to cope with the frustration of hitting a plateau. I mentioned Isaac Asimov who used to have 5 or 6 projects going at once, and jump from one to the other if he were to get a writer’s block. I then…

  • All is good, and yet. Part 2.

    So, what do you do when you have a difficult passage and you hit a plateau? Do you feel the red of anger climb to your face? Do you bunch your hands in a fist? Do you smash your keyboard with said fist? Do you howl at the moon? Do you grow big claws? Do…

  • All is good, and yet.

    Sometimes you are confronted with puzzling situations. You do everything right, you have all your ducks in a row and yet, you don’t get the results you were expecting. No matter the amount of work, the dedication, the thought, the care, you can’t make headway. It’s like you’ve stepped in a pile of glue that…

  • It depends.

    The common sense dictates that in order to make a living in music, you need to spend some time on an instrument. Quite some time. A considerable amount of time. All you time. Yes, but that’s a maybe. It depends. We all know the artists that has killed themselves over practice, the people who never…