Tag: Drum lessons
Saving cymbals
A quick trick here for the drummers who hit the cymbals hard but don’t want to spend a ton of cash replacing the ones that break. Try to swish your cymbals instead of hitting them. It means that instead of going full dead on, you hit them “sideways” if I may say. A little bit…
My family band
So there! I put it in the title. The ones who don’t want to read about the little project I got going with my kids, they can just skip over this particular blog. We had a half gig yesterday with The Little G Band (Go on Facebook and follow us!). It was in the Elboroom.…
A Guerillero is a warrior that uses any means to fight: terrain, weather, vegetation, anything. If you expand the word, it becomes someone that has to be quick to adapt to any situation and make the best of it as he goes. In one word: a musician! Every concert we do always has something unpredictable.…
We are all too familiar with the demons of our modern life. There is the phone. That’s a huge distraction. Instead of enjoying the solo of this amazing piano player, we are busy trying to get the performance inside the screen of our phones. Instead of listening to the wind going through the leaves of…
Little by little
I just made a piece of furniture. I do some woodwork. I am not an expert, by any means, but it doesn’t matter because, sometimes, I am proud of what I accomplish. For example, I was beaming yesterday when I outfitted my daughter’s room with a window seat. I call it a “Lady-reader” because I…
The good people
My son has been drumming all his life. He picked up a pair of sticks, he was three years old. Has never let go since. He’s now fifteen years old. I give him some drum lessons (severely discounted, of course, I can’t afford my own services at full price. Hahaha!). He loves to play. So…
Rookie teaching
When I started teaching I was crazy. No, not crazy as in insane, crazy as uninformed. I thought I was there just to pass on some data. Now, I know I already covered that topic, but bare with me for another sentence or two. I was crazy because, for example, I crammed everything I knew…
Iceberg speed
It is sometimes difficult to make a student (especially a young one) understand the concept of growth. If we start an exercise like one strike per hand, it will take probably a good six month before one is able to reach such speed that it will sound like a continuous buzz, or, to use the…
Teaching teenagers
My business is one that accepts all people. I teach students that are 5 years to 70 years old. In that wide range, there are some categories. The young ones are from 5 to 10 or 11 years old. Then comes the teenagers. These are pupils that are between 11 or 12 years old to…
Up to what option?
As the people who follow this blog know, I have a family band. It’s called “The little G Band”. If I can, I’ll attach a link to our promo video. We usually play concert inside. And usually we invite as many people as possible and we try to deliver as energetic of a show as…