Tag: piano teacher

  • Finally!

    Tomorrow is Friday June 10th 2021. It might sound like any other day. It might sound like February 3rd or October 17th. But tomorrow is a milestone for the city of Chicago. Something is about to happen that will bring new force and new energy to the businesses. It will put people in a better…

  • Blending

    Ever since I’ve started to listen to music on high fidelity equipment, I’ve experienced something transformative. But, hold the press! before I get there, I need to tell you how I used to approach playing in a band. It went like this: look at me! Whatever song, whatever tempo, whatever mood, my goal was to…

  • White noise

    I just came back from vacation. We were about an hour and a half away from Grand Rapid, MI. Our little haven was closed to a small lake big enough for a row boat and a lot of fun. The location is the famous “out there”, where the tarmacadam is replaced by dirt roads, where…

  • Weird lessons of COVID-19: Pointing

    Once we were in the thick of the pandemic, I had to rearrange my studio. I had to be able to deliver comfortably as good of a virtual lesson as I possibly could. I discovered many things I could do for that. For example, I put my webcam on my computer screen. Not very original,…

  • An approach to dynamics

    Try this: start at m, meaning medium. Wait! I’m forgetting something. First either sit at the piano or go get a paid of drumsticks. Take your time. I’ll be here when you come back. Ok, got it? We ready? So, as I was saying: start with m, meaning medium. You want an exercise. Ok, for…

  • Like never before

    If you take lessons with me for awhile, you might come across a particularity of mine. I have already talked about it on my blogs, but that’s hardly a clue because I discuss a wide variety of subjects here. I love music. That’s the surprising fact. No, no, don’t quit on me yet with a…

  • Finding Vaccine in Chicago

    To anyone who still needs (or knows someone who needs) an appointment to be vaccinated, for example college students & teenagers: The huge FEMA drive-through vaccination site (at Roosevelt school in Gary, which is on 25th, right off I-94) is not very busy, and is a breeze to get to, and get through.  You sign…

  • Eddie and Michael

    Eddie Van Halen, the great, the dearly missed, played on Michael Jackson song “Beat it”. That guitar solo will be remembered for ever.  

  • Serious Sinatra

    Did you know that Frank Sinatra, after somewhat neglecting his voice, started doing warm-ups and exercises once he had Quincy Jones as his arranger and the orchestra of Count Basie to back him up? A wonderful recording is “Frank Sinatra at the sands”, a legendary album that needs to be discovered or re-discovered.

  • Not a word!

    Music is not a descriptive art. Unlike painting or photography, it cannot carve the lines of a city or display the face of a stranger in a crowd. Music cannot paint with pictures, instead it is forced to evocate or to suggest. And when you have a very precise mental picture of what you want…