Tag: Chicago drum instruction

  • Breakthrough

    Love the English language. Breakthrough! What a word, what shortcut! Anyway, let’s move on. It happened to me twice in my life. Every time, I didn’t feel it, didn’t even realize it. I couldn’t tell you the day or the time. Just one day I’m on one side of the wall, the next, I’m on…

  • The bath tub

    There was the soccer World cup happening this month. And France lost. To Argentina. All right, I’ll get something out of the way immediately: I did not and I’ve never followed any sport, including soccer. Argentina is a special country: People dance in the streets. Let’s say you’re in Buenos Aires, the capital. All of…

  • Concluding 2022

    With all that is going on in the world, I am almost ashamed to confess that 2022 was a great year for me. Through my job as a piano and drum teacher I have met some incredible people and discovered the depth and charm of the ones I already knew. Ever since I’ve changed my…

  • Beyond all

    When you play something on an instrument you want to achieve something. It’s a natural thing because the instrument itself will never give you what you want. It will only be capable of compromise. Wait! By that I mean YOU have to do the compromise, both with your body and it’s limit, with your ear…

  • The discovery.

    When I was expecting my first child, my mum told me something strange. “You’ll see, she said, you’re going to rediscover the world through her eyes. Everything will seem fresh and untouched because of her.” I wasn’t sure what she meant until I started spending time with my daughter, then later on, my son when…

  • Telling the story.

    I think that teaching is like telling a story. If someone wants to learn the double stroke roll on the drums or the I-IV-V on the piano, it is my job to make it comprehensible and easy to grasp. And I don’t know any better way to do that other than story telling. In our…

  • The list.

    I shop for all sorts of things. Music equipment, music equipment and, of course, some music equipment. Some of those can be pretty expensive, like the music equipment. And I am not very smart about it when I buy. This is how it goes. I hear about the thing. I am then maybe interested. Then:…

  • Ceremony.

    Humanity is a hard concept. I am not kidding. Learning to survive took thousand of years. We have no fur or scales for protection, no fangs or claws for attack. We can’t run fast, we can’t see far like the eagle, we don’t have the hearing or the sense of smell developed like say a…

  • Longevity.

    I just realize something: I’ve been playing the same kit for almost 40 years. I am talking about the red one I brought from France. Anybody that has taken lessons with me knows what I’m talking about. I love that drum set, it has been a faithful companion for many a gig and recording. It…

  • Preparation

    I prepare my lessons. I now think long and hard about what my students will study. I’ve never been a cookie cutter kind of teacher, every one gets a tailored lesson, yes, just like it says in the pamphlet. But there are just about a thousand directions a player can go. It is not easy…