Tag: drum instructor

  • How long does it take to learn the piano?

    I think a couple of months can get you to play a few songs already. During the first lesson with me, there is already a song the student will play. We’ll touch on technique, on position, on getting to know the keyboard as well as getting to know each other as student/teacher. I want to…

  • Tommy

    Last sunday was Father’s Day. My Sweetie had planned a little something for me: we went to see Tommy at the Goodman Theatre. I wasn’t expecting much besides a psychedelic adventure full of weird characters and messages too confusing to understand. I was also thinking about a production with actors/singers, a nice décor (This is…

  • Summer’s struggles

    Let’s face it summer is not for practicing. Summer invites to the outside: swimming, biking, kicking a ball, throwing a ball, having a picnic, hanging out at the beach, traveling to a far away place. We want to enjoy the outdoors when the weather is nice. Especially in a northern city like Chicago where the…

  • The secrets of motivation

    There is a subject I cannot really share on my blog: how to motivate people to practice. I don’t want to share because I am afraid people will not believe me when I try to tell them to practice, they will think I am just using a trick. I am not using any tricks. Barely…

  • Tips in cash.

    Tips in cash.

    I used to be in a circus. It was called “Cirque Plume” in France. That was before they got famous and grew to be the biggest circus in Europe. There were no animals in that organization, just a troop of jugglers, acrobats and interesting people. That was what was selling really well, the interesting part.…

  • Muscle memory.

    As instrumentalists, we want it so bad, especially when we are beginners, we strive, we long for Speed! The reason why we started this whole enterprise is because we saw that person going a million miles an hour on them drums/keys. The person was flowing, with an easy smile and easier gesture. What they were…

  • What is a reference?

    I am thinking about artistry, what it means, what it does. Because when we are confronted with it we are never sure of how to approach it. It seduces and repels. All right, enough with the mystery talk. Artistry is a figment of someone’s imagination. And that goes for the listener as well as the…

  • The greatest gift.

    You learn something when you watch documentary about music. Even if it’s a small YouTube snippet. For example, I saw Kenny Aronoff (if you don’t know who he is, keep reading) who’s talking about the few steps that decided his career. Literally steps with legs and feet. He describe how he went from the studio…

  • The mistakes.

    Did you know that musicians make mistakes? No, I mean, the famous, great, incredible musicians make mistakes. They do! I am reading a book written by Charles Rosen where he dedicates a chapter to stage performance. In it he unveils that some famous classical piano players make mistakes during concerts. Sometimes, if there’s a repeat…

  • The bass player

    When I first went to Berklee College of Music, it was with the firm intention to learn jazz. In my family, in France, it was accepted as a noble style of music. So, I learnt jazz. It was not an easy feat, I was practicing 10 to 12 hours a day the basics then the…