Tag: Chicago drum instructor

  • Seasonal changes

    As August progresses, we slowly go back to work mode. The days are still warm and the minds are still turned towards BBQ and swimming pools, but many of us are starting to feel a nag in our thoughts. The little voice inside our head is becoming more insistent: – This ice cream is great,…

  • Stick furniture is long overdue.

    As I keep on enjoying the warmth of the summer days, I work to improve my studio. You see, up until now, my efforts in woodwork has only produce stuff either for the rest of the house, or for my friends. Trying to custom fit my creations into my work environment is a new concept.…

  • Don’t learn the shuffle!

    If one turns on the radio these days, we hear straight eighth notes music. For the ones who are not familiar with the term “Straight eighth notes”, it means rock. You turn on the radio and you are going to hear some kind of a version of a rock beat, whether it’s country, heavy metal,…

  • The violence in the drums

    Some of my young students are full of energy. Their parents thought that drums would be a great way to release the extra spark they have and so they come to my studio just for that. And I agree. I think that all too often, those active children get placed in a violent set up:…

  • Good old Yelp

    I have an account on  Yelp. I’ve had it for a long time now. Maybe 10 years. My relationship with this website has not been easy. They hide a lot of the reviews. Only 3 are showing, my average is 3.5. 49 of mine are not showing, 49 reviews with 5 stars. These reviews are…

  • My family band

    So there! I put it in the title. The ones who don’t want to read about the little project I got going with my kids, they can just skip over this particular blog. We had a half gig yesterday with The Little G Band (Go on Facebook and follow us!). It was in the Elboroom.…

  • Guerillero

    A Guerillero is a warrior that uses any means to fight: terrain, weather, vegetation, anything. If you expand the word, it becomes someone that has to be quick to adapt to any situation and make the best of it as he goes. In one word: a musician! Every concert we do always has something unpredictable.…

  • Boredom

    We are all too familiar with the demons of our modern life. There is the phone. That’s a huge distraction. Instead of enjoying the solo of this amazing piano player, we are busy trying to get the performance inside the screen of our phones. Instead of listening to the wind going through the leaves of…

  • Little by little

    I just made a piece of furniture. I do some woodwork. I am not an expert, by any means, but it doesn’t matter because, sometimes, I am proud of what I accomplish. For example, I was beaming yesterday when I outfitted my daughter’s room with a window seat. I call it a “Lady-reader” because I…

  • The good people

    My son has been drumming all his life. He picked up a pair of sticks, he was three years old. Has never let go since. He’s now fifteen years old. I give him some drum lessons (severely discounted, of course, I can’t afford my own services at full price. Hahaha!). He loves to play. So…