Tag: piano teacher

  • The Dark Ages.

    Because music notation wasn’t perfected before let’s say the 1400, we have very little ideas what the Greek listened to, or the Romans, for that matter. By the way, the music notation we have is French. Just saying. Anyway, besides the lack of music notation, there’s another obstacle: the instruments. Very few, if any of…

  • Right this moment.

    We admire the music of Mozart. Its beauty, its grace, its power touches our heart. On any given day there is a concert on earth featuring a composition by the great master. And that fact would surprise Mozart himself because he was a man of his time and wrote for his time. He never thought…

  • The infinite language.

    I am always amazed at what twelve sounds can produce. I am talking about the chromatic scale here. The whole of western music was written with exactly that number of notes. Now, the laws of harmony restrains the use of some of those sounds. For example, it is advised not to use minor seconds, or…

  • When you need your instrument.

    In winter 1838-1839, the composer Frédéric Chopin, and his partner back then, the writer George Sand, and her two small children, settled temporarily on the island of Majorca (Balearic Islands). They settled in Cartuja de Valldemossa, an old palace and later on a monastery situated in a paradisiacal and romantic place, where Chopin composed some…

  • The weird alchemy of learning

    I am practicing the piano again. I must be doing about two hours minimum per day. I know, I know it is nowhere near enough, that I should be  doing around 5 to 8 hours per day. After all, my kids are now out of the house, my job is not too demanding and I’ve…

  • Comparing beauties.

    Nowadays we listen to music without the musicians present. Whether it in our car, in our earbuds, through the speakers of our sound systems or through the radio by the time we are actually hearing the notes, the musicians who produced them are doing something else, like working on another album, another tour, or just…

  • The unsuspected

    I love Victor Borge. He’s a piano player that had a whole show as a comedy, only the main subject was always the piano. Here, I’ll share a video. You’ll see, it’s irresistible: The page turner is his son, by the way. They were touring together and bringing good old fun to the masses. Now,…

  • Bonkers trivia.

    Did you know that in the mid 1920’s a drummer named Billy Gladstone invented an instrument called the (You might want to sit down for this one.) Bock-a-da-Bock. Now, right there, Google is going to bar my post from appearing in emails or my business page. Cause, see, the name is too weird. Now, what…

  • Drummers, here’s a suggestion on what to listen to.

    Drums are an instrument like no other. The guys who drive them are accused of being too loud, or too fast, or play too much. So many “Too’s”! Well, I know why: it’s because they don’t listen. They have only the faintest idea of what the rest of the band is doing. So, why drummers,…

  • The poor sorry drummer.

    Did you know that Drums were one of the last recorded instrument? I don’t mean by that that during a session the drums will go last, I mean it historically. And hysterically, too. Haha! Let’s laugh, so haha! Moving on. Why? Well, why, do you think? Because they were too loud. I should say, they…