Tag: Drum teacher

  • A new kind of practice

    We are busy. From the moment we wake up to bed, we don’t stop. And it is great. It’s exciting. But we want to study an instrument. That activity, the saying goes, requires to practice. And by practice, we mean sitting down at the instrument and start playing it. Right?… Right? Actually… Actually, there are…

  • A new kind of practice 2

    Other ways of practicing. Use your head. Yes, use your head. You can practice in your head. It goes like this. Right this way, follow me. Watch your step. You can be in your car. On a train to work. On a boat to work. On a lounge chair. In a doctor’s waiting room. My…

  • Over practice

    Practice is usually defined by picking up your drum sticks and hitting something with it, or playing the keys of your piano. For this blog, that’s what practice will be. I see sometimes some beginners, some hungry beginners, I should say. They have decided to play music like they are going into boxing: no matter…

  • Preparation 2

    I talk to musicians. I have a conversation with them. They can chose the subject themselves. It doesn’t really matter. I’m often here to let them know that someone out there understand what they are going through. That someone listens. It’s usually enough to keep them sane. Yes, sane. I said sane. Because practicing something…

  • Preparation 1

    Being a musician is a strange proposition. We are asked to practice. Meaning we have to spend a ton of time alone slaving over scales and rudiments. Then we are asked to go get a job. That part requires to have social skills and interact with the world. We have prepared for the playing part…

  • No woman no cry

    This is a song we recorded with our family band. It will be featured in an upcoming video we are putting together before the end of August.

  • Chunky hi hat.

    In order to make music, you need musicians. In order to get some emotions out of music, you will need some important tools. Dynamics could come in handy. But, since I want to talk about the hi hat, we shall explore the subject of power today. When you play a groove, let’s say a typical…

  • Too controversial 4

    If you ever saw our family band, you will see that it is as much mine as it is my children’s. They each have their own place in it. We also have a lot of love and tender feelings for each other. My children talk to me. They keep me informed of where their minds…

  • Too controversial 3

    I refused to make more money. I was asked to teach in different schools and music organizations around Chicago. Some of them were ready to pay more than what I was making per hour in my own studio. They were proposing a nice schedule, lots of students, lots of money. It would have been a…

  • Too controversial 2

    Parents have been silently pushed towards negligence for a long time. Society doesn’t make a mystery of it. It started with the TV in the 50’s and 60’s.  4 or 5 hours of TV everyday for each child. We are now in a very developed digital era where every young person has things in their…