Author: mydrumlessons

  • Too controversial 3

    I refused to make more money. I was asked to teach in different schools and music organizations around Chicago. Some of them were ready to pay more than what I was making per hour in my own studio. They were proposing a nice schedule, lots of students, lots of money. It would have been a…

  • Too controversial 2

    Parents have been silently pushed towards negligence for a long time. Society doesn’t make a mystery of it. It started with the TV in the 50’s and 60’s.  4 or 5 hours of TV everyday for each child. We are now in a very developed digital era where every young person has things in their…

  • Too controversial 1

    There is, in my life, something exceptional. It has been there for a long time, now. It is one of the most precious thing my family has, and it is extremely controversial. I present to you: our happiness. My children are not the typical children. My son, 14 years old, does not play video games…

  • Music as a hobby 3

    I know someone that eat right, lives in the countryside, has enough money and resources to sustain herself and is athletic. She can’t play no more. Everything in her body hurts. Her joints have locked. I listened to her story. It can be summed up in one word: why? She got out of a show…

  • Music as a hobby 2

    If you ask the musicians that are on auto-destruction mode to explain why they are on that mode, you enter a swamp. A huge swamp. Their story is long. It is complicated. Painful. Sad. Frustrating. It depends how far in their lethal path they are. But, usually, some very powerful and intricate events have driven…

  • Music as a hobby 1

    I just did a long series on “Making peace with music” (Go check it, you won’t regret it. It’s full of surprises!). And I could have kept going and extend it. Write a whole book. But I didn’t want 20 sections on one subject. I believe that clarity comes from organization. So, “Making peace with…

  • Making peace with music part 8

    Let’s tackle the “I’m too busy” argument. No, you’re not. I repeat: No, you are absolutely not. What you are is either bored, or disgusted or not interested, etc… These are emotions, not facts of life. You can have one busy week, maybe another one or two throughout the year that you really can’t grab…

  • Making peace with music part 7

    One has to be aware of the obstacles one self creates. The most powerful motor I ever saw at work to stop a student from achieving his goals was his own brain. We are worried over little things. Nothing, really. Who cares if someone else learnt that exercise faster or slower? That’s a common one…

  • Family band 5

    I sing less and less. Simply because I think that my children are fantastic and they put the work and motivation behind our project. They deserve the spotlight more than me.

  • Family band 4

    We are looking for concerts! You can contact us at: [email protected]