Category: Blog

  • The nine years old in us

    If you look at the kit on the picture, and I hope it appears on your device, it is obvious that this is a magnificent drum kit. Yes, it is! And it is so for all of us, drummers of all ages and background. Why? Because it is not big, but monumental. It is the…

  • Wipe out

    As drummers, we all know how the song “Wipe out” goes. You get the guitar riff (You accompany that with a rock beat), then the drummer does that accent pattern, and then you go back to the “normal” rock beat when the guitars come back. Riff, Drums, riff, drums, alternate that a few times, and…

  • That old cymbal

    I know I am blogging like crazy, but I have a passion for the subject of music and it’s hard for me to not talk about it. So, for the ones following me, thank you! Now! Let’s get to the subject indicated on the title: Old cymbal. No one has yet to sing about old…

  • Who’s got the best music?

    If you ever go to a festival, you will notice that the big act are usually in the evening. That’s when people are available. They get out of work, they go home, change, assemble with a few friends, and they’re ready to party. To a festival they go. The early act are not as popular…

  • Tired

    It is the beginning of January. We have to fasten our seat belts and be ready for another year. Yet, because since Thanksgiving we are going at it like madman and eating all sorts of things that is not good for us, we arrive in this new Year exhausted. Our mind is also drained after…

  • The cold

    I write in Chicago. I’ve been living in this city almost all my adult life. I love this place. I have traveled quite a bit all over the world. I’ve lived in France, in a lot of different towns in France. I’ve lived in Italy. Oh, Italy! The beauty of everything, from the people to…

  • Happy New Year!

    Hey! We made it! We are, after all, in 2018. And congratulations! Like every beginning, we need to think of what we will put in that New Year. How, if you will, we shall fill up the vase. Those decisions need careful thinking and consideration. Of course, every one wants to get a more beautiful…

  • Did you know?

    I just learnt that Justin Bieber was a drummer. Actually, he still plays a bit of his show on the drums. So, it would be fair to say that Justin Bieber is a working drummer. I think that’s great. And why not? Justin is someone that a lot of young people look up to. He…

  • The signs, part 2.

    Ok, so, to resume. Oh, you know the story. I’m not going to resume. If you are reading part 2, it’s because you know what part 1 is. Very well. As I was saying: think. Always! But there are many kinds of thinking (Did you know that?) For example, you can think preemptively and prepare.…

  • The signs

    When one tries to make it as a pro, one has to develop a nose, if you will, for people and situations. One has to make decisions upon those intuitions, those signs that things could go south very quickly. Because music life is full of surprises. Good ones and bad ones. The ratio is about…