Tag: Chicago piano instructor
Subtle power 2
The dynamics by contrast is based upon the principle of emphasizing the difference between soft and loud. I’ll give you a for instance. Hit a snare three time as soft as possible, now hit it one time medium loud. Do you hear the difference? No? Then you did it wrong. Try it again. I’ll wait.…
Subtle power
There are a few ways to demonstrate power on the drum set. The first and most obvious one is through brutal force. The principle being that the harder you hit, the louder the sound. That works only up to a certain extent. Because if you hit the skin too hard, you end up choking them.…
Hamilton 3
Ok, so, the French are present in Hamilton. The English also, but mainly the French. There is, of course, Lafayette. But they also talk about Voltaire and the French thinkers of the “Enlighten” century. The French, when they did their revolution, did it also in hip-hop. I can imagine women going to Versailles to ask…
Hamilton 2
Hamilton was one of the guy who built this country. He created the american banking system as we know it. Good. Great! And hip-hop form is the form of choice to describe those uncertain times when the Americans claimed this land? Yes, it is! I would argue that there is no other form better suited…
The first big Opera of the 21st century has millions of dedicated fans. Ever since it started it was a sensation. Lin Manuel Miranda, its creator, has been recognized as a modern genius, the cast is celebrated everywhere, and, in the tradition of all the great Broadway musicals, it has offspring sprouting in other towns…
When the inspiration is not there 2
Here is the method: doing crap. You go on the piano, on the drums, on the computer, on the pottery making thingy, and you say out loud: time to make crap! You know it won’t be good, and you do it anyway. You know it won’t be good and you work for an hour or…
When the inspiration is not there 1
Every creator has to deal with writer’s block, as they are called, which describe a creator (not necessirily a writer, could be a pottery maker) that doesn’t feel the flow of idea coming to him. As always he sat down to do his deed, but nothing comes to his mind. Or, everything that comes seems…
Multiple instruments 3
And, because no rock band goes without the guitar, I picked up the guitar. I liked it. I’m still the one who does most guitar parts in our band. It is a complete instrument as much as the piano. I know that statement will make many people cringe. But guitar is among the rare ones…
Multiple instrument 2
Because we were forming a band, I had to pick up the bass. Every one dabbles in bass playing. Every one thinks they know how to play. But what a complex instrument. How difficult it is to carve a groove, how demanding it it to hold it! The bass is very difficult. One has to…
Multiple instruments
You would have asked me twenty five years ago if I will ever be playing another instrument, I would have said no. At the time, my life was consumed by the drums. I was, at every second, thinking about it in one form or another. Then came the piano. The beautiful piano. That’s the first…